Rabu, 04 November 2015

Schizophrenia, What is It?

Schizophrenia, What is It?
Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder in which the patient understands the reality is abnormal. Schizophrenia usually cause hallucinations, delusions, impaired thought and behavior. Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness that requires long-term treatment. However, the question is, whether it is an illness or not. This is what is often debated by experts whether Schizophrenia is classified as a disease or not. (Huw Green (2014)).
To know more about Schizophrenia, the following will describe the signs and symptoms of Schizophrenia that can be categorized in positive, negative and cognitive symptoms. The first, positive symptoms, reflecting the normal function excessive, such as: (1) delusions, where people have beliefs that do not correspond to reality, usually misunderstood experience or have the erroneous perception. For example, believe that anyone would kill him; (2) hallucinations, e.g. hearing voices or seeing things that are not based on reality. Hallucinations voice is the most common hallucination. For many people, hearing voices is synonymous with schizophrenia and severe mental illness. However it turns out, research has shown that 5-13% of adults will hear voices at some point during their lives, in circumstances that may be related to spiritual experiences, bereavement, trauma, sensory deprivation or impairment, as well as mental and emotional distress. So, if you hear voices, do not immediately assume that means schizophrenia; (3) disturbance of thought, namely interference in organizing thoughts and speak, so that people stop talking in mid-sentence or words without meaning; and (4) conduct irregular. This could come in the form of behavior as stupid behavior in young children.
The second, negative symptoms, showed a decrease in normal functioning, such as no longer interested in doing daily activities, decreased ability to plan or carry out activities, lack of attention to personal hygiene, shut up, lose motivation, and others. Third, cognitive symptoms, disorders such thought processes. This is the most disturbing symptom and a cause can not work properly, such as disruption to remember, disturbance in attention, disturbance in understanding the information, and others. (Angela Woods and Ben Alderson (2015)).
The exact cause of schizophrenia is unknown. However, some researchers believe that the disease may occur as a result of problematic chemicals in the brain, including the neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamate. It has been proved from a neuroimaging studies that showed differences in brain structure and central nervous system of patients with schizophrenia. In addition, researchers also believe that genetic and environmental factors contribute to the progression of the disease. However, there are several factors that can increase the risk of these diseases arise and develop, such as living conditions are stressful, often consume psychoactive drugs during adolescence and young adulthood, often affected by exposure to viruses, toxins, or malnutrition during pregnancy, especially on trimesters first and second, and others. (Justin Alford (2015)).
Diagnosis of Schizophrenia can be determined based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder fifth edition (DSM-V), or the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10). There are five characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia are delusions, hallucinations continuously, greeting confusing, very messy, and decreased social functions such as reduction in emotional expression or do not want to interact with each other. Someone will be classified as suffering from schizophrenia if you have a minimum of two classic symptoms described above significantly in the period of 1 month.
Preliminary testing of schizophrenia can be done with a blood test and an MRI or CT scan. This test is intended to determine the physical trauma and a variety of other mental disorders that could have happened in the past. In addition, the track record of patients with symptoms of schizophrenia to the consumption of alcohol or other psychoactive substances must also be carried out to ascertain how much influence these substances cause symptoms in schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia can attack anyone. In fact, data from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in 1995 mentions, one percent of the world population suffers from schizophrenia. 75% patients with schizophrenia begin to have it at the age of 16-25 years. Teens and young adults at high risk because it is full of life stressors stage. The condition is often too late to realize the family and the environment because it is considered as part of the phase adjustment.
Patients with schizophrenia are usually treated by giving antipsychotic drugs. This drug is used to suppress the activity of the hormone dopamine receiver. Guidance, training and rehabilitation is also an important measure in the treatment of schizophrenia. In more serious cases, patients can be hospitalized in order to minimize the risk. Because the impact of schizophrenia is not only felt by the patient, it is important for the family and those closest to give support when interacting with people with schizophrenia.

Work Cited

Alford, Justine.”What Causes Schizophrenia?”.The Conversation.The Conversation Media

          Grup Ltd., 4 June.2015.Web.26 Oct 2015

Green, Huw. Is Schizophrenia A ‘Real’ Illness?”. The Conversation.The Conversation

          Media Grup Ltd.,28 Nov.2014.Web.26 Oct 2015

Woods, Angela and Alderson, Ben.”Hearing Voices? Don’t Assume That Means    

          Schizophrenia”. The Conversation.The Conversation Media Grup Ltd.,11

          March.2015.Web.26 Oct 2015

Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015


Oleh : Pony Salimah Nurkhaffah

         Sistem geometri merupakan hal yang penting untuk dipelajari dalam matematika. Sistem Geometri Euclid sudah sering digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika untuk menentukan jarak antara dua titik yang diketahui. Namun, pernahkan Anda mendengar Sistem Geometri Taxicab dan Sistem Geometri LDG (Larger Distance Geometry)? Sistem Geometri Taxicab dan Sistem Geometri LDG masih asing terdengar di telinga siswa bagaimana sistem tersebut bekerja. Sistem geometri ada banyak jenisnya, namun pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai Sistem Geometri LDG.
         Sebuah lingkaran pada Sistem Geometri Euclid akan membentuk sebuah persegi pada Sistem Geometri LDG. Bagaimana hal tersebut bisa terjadi?? Hal ini dikarenakan sistem ini menggunakan prinsip jarak terbesar (larger distance). Untuk menentukan jarak antara dua titik yang diketahui pada Sistem Geometri LDG adalah jarak terbesar garis vertikal atau horisontal diantara kedua titik tersebut. Dalam notasi matematika, dapat ditulis sebagai berikut.

       Sehingga, untuk menentukan jarak kedua titik yang diketahui pada Sistem Geometri LDG, terlebih dahulu kita harus menentukan jarak garis horisontal dan garis vertikal dari kedua titik tersebut, kemudian memilih jarak terbesar diantara keduanya.
       Terdapat empat konsep jarak pada Sistem Geometri LDG, yaitu Betweenness, Equidistance, Ellipses, dan Hyperbolas. Berikut ini akan dijelaskan mengenai konsep Equidistances. Pada konsep Equidistances, akan ditentukan himpunan semua titik yang berjarak sama dari dua titik yang diketahui. Himpunan semua titik tersebut merupakan titik perpotongan dari dua lingkaran dengan jari-jari sama yang berpusat pada titik origin yaitu titik A dan titik B.

Gambar 1.Lingkaran yang digunakan untuk menentukan
titik yang berjarak sama dari titik A dan B

        Gambar di atas merupakan gambar lingkaran pada sistem geometri LDG, yaitu sepasang lingkaran berwarna biru (berjari-jari 3) dan sepasang lingkaran lain yang berwarna oranye (berjari-jari 4). Garis putus-putus biru merupakan ruas garis perpotongan 2 lingkaran biru. Sedangkan lingkaran berwarna oranye berpotongan pada 2 titik berwarna merah.  Gambar (b) merupakan daerah himpunan penyelesaian yang terdiri dari ruas garis horisontal dan 2 sinar garis, dengan masing-masing memiliki kemiringan sebesar 1.
          Gambar grafik yang muncul dapat bervariasi tergantung pada posisi dari titik original (A dan B) dan kemiringan garis. Berikut ini merupakan contoh variasi gambar grafik yang muncul. 

Gambar 2.Kemungkinan gambar grafik yang muncul

         Sinar garis dari himpunan penyelesaian dan garis yang menghubungkan titik A dan B memiliki kemiringan yang berlawanan tanda. Sebagai contoh, pada gambar (a) dan (b), ruas garis AB memiliki kemiringan yang bernilai positif, sedangkan sinar garis memiliki kemiringan yang bernilai -1. Ruas garis yang menghubungkan sinar garis dapat tergambar secara vertikal maupun horisontal tergantung pada nilai mutlak kemiringan garis AB, apakah lebih besar ataupun kurang dari 1.
        Pada gambar grafik di atas, daerah himpunan penyelesaiannya merupakan dua daerah tak hingga yang merupakan pepanjangan dari ruas garis, seperti tampak pada gambar berikut ini.

Gambar 3.Daerah himpunan penyelesaian

       Ketika kemiringan sinar garis bernilai ±1, daerah penyelesaiannya merupakan bisektor tegak lurus sama seperti pada sistem geometri Euclid berikut ini.

Gambar 4.Daerah himpunan penyelesaian
ketika kemiringan sinar garis bernilai ±1

       Bagaimana jika kemiringan dari ruas garis bukan bernilai 0, ±1, atau tidak terdefinisi?  Lihatlah gambar berikut ini.

Gambar 5. Daerah himpunan penyelesaian ketika
kemiringan dari ruas garis bukan bernilai 0, ±1, atau tidak terdefinisi

        Langkah pertama yang dilakukan adalah dengan mencari titik tengah dari ruas garis AB yaitu titik E dan F. Titik tengah ruas garis tersebut dapat ditentukan dengan menggambar garis 45° dari titik A ke titik F, yang merupakan setengah jarak antara titik A dn B. Ulangi langkah tersebut untuk mencari titik tengah ruas garis dari titik B yaitu titik E.Kemiringan garis AF dan garis BE harus memiliki tanda yang sama seperti kemiringan dari ruas garis yang menghubungkan titik original (titik A dan B). Pada gambar di atas, kemiringan dari garis AF, BE dan AB bernilai positif.

 Sumber : Nirode, Wayne.2015.Exploring New Geometric Worlds.Mathematics Teacher.NCTM.